1900-1925 Art World

The art world…   by Avery Ladd

Want to express yourself? prove a point? Start a movement dealing with your Art or against any other Art? I’ve just read and studied on a few ISM’s during the early 20th century. To be more specific, from 1900-1925, and I would like to say that if any of the listed ambitions above are any goals of yours, then i suggest you study the same.. Before you do just read this and It’ll give you a little bit of understanding of what I mean.

Beginning in 1900, and not lasting very long, the movement called Fauvism a.k.a. les Fauves French for “The Wild Beasts”,started with Henri Matisse & Andre Derain. these guys emphasized painterly qualities and strong color, they didn’t like the way realistic and representational art neglected to show quality of brush strokes, fluidity, and creativity so they banned together to create Fauvism.

Then there was Expressionism, a movement that lasted quite some time 1900-1925. Expressionism started in Germany out of the Fauvism as a way to use distortion and exaggeration to have a more emotional effect with the use of intense colors and bold brush strokes and outlines. The major Artists that were instrumental were Wassily Kandinsky & Earnest Ludwig Kirchner. Earnest, a German painter who was apart of a group called “the Bridge” fought in WW1 but was discharged, and his artwork destroyed by Hitler (He had a lot to say and Express). His buddy Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian who the first to make abstract art, The main objective of Expressionists was to express spiritual truth by the symbolic use of color and a spontaneous approach to creating art.

Cubism, that made use of new materials, textures, and surfaces in two dimensional art and elevated Collage to “High”art, lead by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.

Orphism, from 1912-1913 was an offshoot of Cubism that combined abstraction from Fauve color came next.

Before the last two there came Futurism which originated in Italy and founded by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. This movement focused on movement, speed, technology,and violence as their subjects in their works. This lasted from 1909-1916, and around the same time another movement emerged called Suprematism, it emphasized basic geometric shapes, namely squares, rectangles,circles, and triangles. According to Kasimir Malevich who founded the movement said that Suprematism was an attempt to free art from the dead weight of the real world rather than trying to create images that were objective and tethered to reality they expressed the importance of feeling in art.

Dada and Surrealism from 1916-1922 this movement was anti-war and responded to horrors of war and modern society, they saw war as being so insane that its existence called into question the validity of the society that produced it. These people had something to say.

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