Performance Art – Thalia Cruz

Performance art is one of my favorite forms of art. I love when a person, or groups of people, go out of their way to show that everyday humans, our bodies, our thoughts, and our actions are all art. To me, it allows us to gain our bodies back in a world that believes we are subject to possession by all. To watch a performance art piece also gives me that feeling of freedom and like I am taking my own body back from the world. I believe it can be healing.

This is why I have a slight issue with Acconci’s Following Piece. Performance art should be consensual with all people involved. It should not make outsiders feel uncomfortable to participate, which is what following random strangers around does. It is a great fear of almost everyone’s to be stalked or harassed. Performance art should be a freeing experience, not an experience of anxiety, unless that feeling is wanted.

Other than that, I believe performance art should be documented. It allows for others to somewhat experience the initial performance, had they not been there before.

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