Feminism – Thalia Cruz

What issues are artists addressing today with regards to the advancement of women?
I think a lot of women are still fighting for their place in the art world, and in the world in general. I see a lot of art addressing rape culture, a woman’s right to her own body, and what it means to be a woman today.

Can you make art outside of your experiences? Can a woman make non-feminist art? Should she?
If the art is not true to her, she should not create it. Confining women to a specific type of art just because they are women is keeping them in their own box forever. Let women create freely, as men do.

Do we excuse the sexism / racism of the past because it was ingrained in the prevailing culture?
Absolutely not. People of the past had brains of their own like we do today. They could have, and should have, known better. Excusing that behavior is allowing that behavior to continue. Teach people. Provide them with resources. If they wanted to be better, they would have honestly sought after the education themselves.

Do we still need labels – women artists, black artists, LGBT artists?
I think those labels are only good if they are making art about their experience as a woman, black person, or LGBT person. If the artist gives themselves that label, let it be. If not, then it should not be required.

Why are there more issues with equality in the south / cultural differences in white, Hispanic, black communities?
Lack of exposure. There are not enough spaces for cultures to thrive in the south, unless that area is predominately black, Hispanic, etc. (ex. Dalton, GA having a huge Hispanic population). Even with the exposure, again with Dalton as a reference, racism is still slightly prevalent. I think it just comes with the area. Racism is deeply rooted in the south, not saying that it does not exist elsewhere, but it is shown a lot more here. I would like to cite lack of education as the source of it, but I do not think that’s true. Resources are out there nowadays. People just do not want to break their habits or shake their “heritage”.

Where does feminism go now?
To the government. We need more feminist women in power, more women of color in power. Without it, I do not see much change occurring. We can raise hell as much as we want, but our rights are being taken away slowly and surely with white men in power. And having a president that disregards women to pieces of meat is not helping us. It will never help us. Forcing our way to the top is the only way. Shatter all the damn glass ceilings.

What does your male art professor need to do differently?
Keep broadening our horizons. Keep showing us the movers and shakers of the art world, and even those outside of it. Seeing people that represent us changing the world inspires us.

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