Racism, Art, and Humanity- Jeff Grimes

Racism seems to be a word that is constantly popping up in America. This is because we cant logically think as a people and put “differences” aside. This issue seems to show up allot more in the southern regions of the country. This has a large part to do with the civil war, ignorance, and just pure hate. Another reason racism is on the rise is because our current leader, who claims he isn’t a racist but is indeed a racist.

Because of this racism we have uneducated battles to keep confederate civil war monuments. I believe these monuments should not be removed but be made examples of. These monuments should not be glorified but be a reminder and a lesson of the horrors that took place. I also believe that we should build monuments for the brave men and women who ran the underground railroad in the same parks; because those are the people who should truly be celebrated.

There also however is another side to this racism. This idea is that white privileged people who have never experienced oppression can try to express it through art. I think this is arrogant and proves that we still have a race problem. I think this because people are simply trying to gain fame through a popular subject matter that means nothing to there heritage. It almost feels irresponsible to try and relate to something you as an individual has never expirenced.

In conclusion, I find myself agreeing there should be awareness raised of these problems, but by the discretion of the people ACTUALLY experiencing it. I also feel that the only way we will end this racism won’t be by trying to race wash things but celebrate and accept each other’s cultural differences. We should not need a month to appreciate/teach the history of a race. Instead of focusing on a month why don’t we make ALL history of ALL people taught ALL year round. If we accomplish these small issues then maybe eventually we can end most of the problems we have today.

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