Boundaries of Art- Bailey Mayhugh

While looking at the articles, I thought most of the work created was just for a shock value and who could be the most shocking artist. In my opinion, Chris Burden having himself shot wasn’t art. Anyone can shoot themselves in the arm… It’s just endurance and shock and that isn’t art to me. Yes, it may make a statement but it isn’t a work of art.

I also had a really hard time looking at Andres Serrano’s art, especially his “Bodily Fluids” and “The Morgue” series. Making art with yours or someone else’s bodily fluids is honestly just disgusting and as someone who used to self harm, I really do not think blood is art or should be shown in such a way. Regarding his works from “The Morgue”, I think it would be fine if the pictures were used for educational purposes, but they shouldn’t be glorified as “art”.

I also think there should be a line between what is considered porn or what is considered art. The photos of Jeff Koons and his wife are only considered art because he’s a known artist. If it was anyone else, it would be considered porn.

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