Activist Art – Thalia Cruz

The art that I was most drawn to, and not in the best way, was the art by Banksy. I know that a lot of people my age really enjoy their work, but I find that it is not effective whatsoever. It comes off as extremely generic and, to be honest, as if an older person, maybe a Boomer, is just poking fun at younger generations. The whole idea that we are tied to our phones, social media is corrupting our brain, and so on is just worn out. I need artists to be more compelling when it comes to commenting on the state of the world. Artists like the Guerrilla Girls get it right with me. They incorporate dark humor in a way that Banksy wishes to achieve. You do not have to guess what point they are trying to get across, it is just in your face activism.

To me, activism art is loud, it is in your face, and it is demanding your attention. As a society, and as artists, we should not sit back anymore. We should not hold back. Be loud. Be abrasive. As long as no one is getting hurt, besides the feelings of those oppressing others, then it is powerful and effective art.

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