Takato Yamamoto



“My basic theme is the image of the universe operation that has repeated the circulating generation (life) and dismantlement (death).

Takato Yamamoto was born January 15, 1960 in Akita Prefecture in Japan. He graduated in 1983 in painting at the University Tokyo Zokei. His work is relatively unknown outside of Japan. He experimented with the Ukiyo-e style for a few years after he graduated, and then developed his own style that he called “Heisei Esthetics.”

PA_takato1He had his first exhibition in 1998, in Ginzo, and it was called “Heisei Esthetics.”

His paintings tend to be dark and seemingly ghostly, with emotionless and almost doll like faces. He has said in an interview that he started out drawing in commercial advertising, mainly in the 1980’s. He only started working on his personal work after 2000. He uses acrylic paint on canvas or paper, and he does not take very much time on it. He says that he takes about one week for a small piece, and about one month for a larger one, rarely ever does it take him a few months to complete something.







There was not much more information on Takato Yamamoto.







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