

The Volta art show is fairly new, being the incarnation of an art show which was founded in 2005 in Basel, Switzerland. The Volta was conceived by Amanda Coulson, an art critic and art show director. The Volta’s main focus is to bring contemporary art to an intimate boutique type setting. Regardless of the artist the Volta tries to have art that deals with current art and contemporary relevance.


Viewers have compared the experience at the Volta to be like visiting the artist’s studio. Speaking from personal experience the more intimate setting with fewer works exhibited by the artists does make it a more personal experience. The unique thing about this show is that it isn’t usually multiple works done by the artists like bigger museums or art shows but it’s usually one exhibit each which gives the viewer a more personal experience with the work. In 2012 when we went to this museum we got to interact more with the artists and with the work without being told to “back up!”. Its nice to be able to get closer to the art without being intimidated.

Here are a few works that stood out to me while being there.


volta wilmer wilson i voted 

Wilmer Wilson’s “I voted”



timotheus tomicek



Timotheus Tomicek’s moving photographs

The Volta art show is open March 7th- March 10th in their new location:

82MERCER – New York, NY 10013


-Kurt G.


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