Black and White Shape Composition

Learning Objectives

  • Develop visual understanding of the differences between subject matter and form.
  • Intentionally transform a representational design into an abstract or non-representational design to convey Content.
  • Develop visual understanding of the Elements of Design Shape & Space and their characteristics.
  • Develop visual understanding of the Principle of Organization Balance.

Project Description

In this project you will continue to exercise ways to abstract from Subject Matter while focusing on Form. You will explore figure/ground relationships through the usage of shape and space to evoke content. You will also use the Principles of Design –  Balance to help you achieve the desired content.

You will develop the project based on the Japanese design concept called Nōtan (濃淡), which observes the relationship and placement of light and dark shapes in the composition thus translating shape & space into flat shapes on a two-dimensional surface. Nōtan is traditionally presented in paint, ink, or cut paper, but it is relevant to a host of modern-day image-making techniques, such as lithography in printmaking, and rotoscoping in animation 

Project Considerations

  • You will create three (3) abstract (non-representational) Nōtan compositions.
  • The shapes should be either organic/biomorphic or geometric
    • One composition should have Asymmetric Balance | The sides of the composition are not equal but bare the same visual weight
    • One composition should have Symmetric Balance | Two sides of the composition are equal.
    • One composition should have Radial Balance | All four sides of the composition are equal.
  • Are there shapes created in both the figure and ground creating figure-ground reversal?
  • Are there any shapes or negative spaces that are not activated within your composition?
  • Has the final design been executed in a professional manner?

CRAFTSMANSHIP is extremely important for each of your designs and is part of the grading criteria. Do not fold, bend, crease, smudge, tear your artworks! Always take great care when creating each design and then put directly into your portfolio case.

What is Craftsmanship? Care in construction and finishing; demonstration of skill and knowledge of processes; attention to detail. The quality of design and work shown in something that is made by hand.


  • Black Paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • White Bristol Board
  • Sketchbook and pencils
  • Ruler


Name these slides Project – Black and White Shape Composition in your Google Slides Presentation.

Project – Black and White Shape Composition – Part 1

Asymmetrical Balance Nōtan Composition

  1. Research Asymmetrical Balance.
  2. Using a pencil, lightly draw a 5 inch by 5 inch square in the center of your 9×12″ Bristol board. This will give you 2 inches on the left and right and 3.5 inches on the top and bottom.
  3. Sketch out the shapes you are thinking of using for the Asymmetrical Balance composition on a black sheet of paper. Intentionally decide if your shapes are organic or geometric.
  4. Cut the shapes using scissors. Aim to create inner shapes. Intentionally decide if your shapes are organic or geometric.
  5. Mount the cut shapes within your 5×5″ square on the 9×12” piece of Bristol board. Make sure the design is centered on the board. Erase any pencil marks.
  6. Make sure to upload an image of the final work, and image of the work with a ruler and image of yourself holding the work.

Project – Black and White Shape Composition – Part 2

Symmetrical Balance Nōtan Composition

  1. Research Symmetrical Balance.
  2. Using a pencil, lightly draw a 5 inch by 5 inch square in the center of your 9×12″ Bristol board. This will give you 2 inches on the left and right and 3.5 inches on the top and bottom.
  3. Sketch out the shapes for the Symmetrical Balance composition on a black sheet of paper. Intentionally decide if your shapes are organic or geometric.
  4. Cut the shapes using scissors. Aim to create inner shapes. Intentionally decide if your shapes are organic or geometric.
  5. Mount the cut shapes within your 5×5″ square on the 9×12” piece of Bristol board. Make sure the design is centered on the board. Erase any pencil marks.
  6. Make sure to upload an image of the final work, and image of the work with a ruler and image of yourself holding the work.

Project – Black and White Shape Composition – Part 3

Radial Balance Nōtan Composition

  1. Research Radial Balance.
  2. Using a pencil, lightly draw a 5 inch by 5 inch square in the center of your 9×12″ Bristol board. This will give you 2 inches on the left and right and 3.5 inches on the top and bottom.
  3. Sketch out the shapes for the Radial Balance composition on a black sheet of paper. Intentionally decide if your shapes are organic or geometric.
  4. Cut the shapes using scissors. Aim to create inner shapes. Intentionally decide if your shapes are organic or geometric.
  5. Mount the cut shapes within your 5×5″ square on the 9×12” piece of Bristol board. Make sure the design is centered on the board. Erase any pencil marks.
  6. Make sure to upload an image of the final works, and image of the work with a ruler and image of yourself holding the work.
