Robert Crumb

Born on August 30th in 1943, Robert Dennis Crumb is an American cartoonist and musician. His work has attracted much controversy and attention, mainly for his depiction of women and racial minorities.

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His heavily cross hatched work displays a nostalgia for American culture of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a Catholic up bringing; I’m sure they couldn’t have been more proud.


His father a combat illustrator for United States Marines; His mother a housewife who has been numerously reported abusing diet pills and other various amphetamines. His parents marriage was unhappy and Crumb and his four other siblings recognized this (two brothers; both of whom suffered from mental health issues. And two sisters.)foar03857

While being inspired early on by the works of Walt Kelly from Fleischer Brothers animation, Crumb and his brothers would draw their own comics. They later would go try and them door to door.Crumb 2

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As you can plainly see Crumb and I have the same taste in women. All hail the power center.

In the year 1978 he divorced his former wife Dana, and married a cartoonist named Aline Kominsky. To whom he has collaborated many times with over the yearscrumb 8 crumb 9 crumb 10 and final!Robert Dennis Crumb is now seventy years young 🙂

One thought on “Robert Crumb”

  1. The intensity and honesty in RC’s work stuns me. We are on the same page. He inks it and I enjoy it. Thanks……..John

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