Organizing the Random

Learning Objectives

  • Develop awareness of different creative processes techniques.
  • Explore creative thinking and the influence of chance in design.
  • Develop awareness of your own creative process.
  • Apply the Elements of Design and Principles of Organization learned.
  • Develop visual understanding of Form and Content Unity.

Project Description

In this project we will investigate how the element of chance may be used as a starting point when creating an artwork. Each element within your design will be chosen at random; you will then use your random choices to create a design with a dynamic composition using all of the Elements of Design and Principles of Organization you have learned. You will also be given a word at random. This word will serve as the concept (content) for your piece. For example, if you are given the word “frigid”, your task will be to create a design that eludes to the word “frigid”. Form and content should always be carefully utilized to support the idea behind your piece.

Creative Brainstorming: Specific techniques for generating many ideas and possibilities either individually or collectively. Creative brainstorming encourages a non-judgmental attitude, rapid generation of ideas, record-keeping, and a willingness to push to the edges for strange and unexpected possibilities within a limited time-frame.

Form and Content: Elements of Design and Principles of Organization can and should reinforce the Content (and Subject Matter) of any work. Content may include your emotional, intellectual, symbolic spiritual and/or narrative intentions. Unity of Form and Content is important in communicating an idea or message featured in any work of art or design.

Project Considerations

  • Does the design include a primary focal point? Where is it located and how is the focal point emphasized?
  • Has a visual flow that activates the entire picture plane been established ? What elements are used to lead the eye around the entire composition?
  • Can you describe how your design incorporates each of the design words you chose at random and your unconventional material.
  • Does your design include a full value range and display variation of line and mark-making?
  • Do you convey your concept (the word you were given at random) through the use of design elements and composition?
  • Has the final design been executed in a professional manner? Designs should utilize the designated materials with care, effort, and attention to detail.
  • !!! This work should be non-representational – no puppies, kittens or anything that we can identify. !!!

CRAFTSMANSHIP is extremely important for each of your designs and is part of the grading criteria. Do not fold, bend, crease, smudge, tear your artworks! Always take great care when creating each design and then put directly into your portfolio case.

What is Craftsmanship? Care in construction and finishing; demonstration of skill and knowledge of processes; attention to detail. The quality of design and work shown in something that is made by hand.


  • Unconventional materials
  • Sketchbook and pencils
  • Drawing paper
  • bristol board
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • gluestick


Name these slides Project – Organizing the Random in your Google Slides Presentation.

Project – Organizing the RandomPart 1

  1. In class choose a number at random in each of the four categories provided. Your professor will then let you know what shape, design tool, emotion and unconventional material you’ll be using for this next project. Write these down in your sketchbook.
  2. In your sketchbook create 3, 7 step value scales. One value scale should be done with pencil, one using the PITT pens and cross hatching and one using the PITT pens and an “unusual” mark. The unusual mark may be dots, swirls, zig zags…whatever you find interesting. See value scale notes at the end of this section.
  3. In your sketchbook and using your PITT pens and your unconventional material, create at least four (4) 3″ x 4″ thumbnail sketches that incorporate each of the random elements that you chose. The design may include other elements as well. How can you use it to create line, value, shape, and/or texture?

Value Scale Notes

Value is the degree of light and dark in a design. A value scale is a tool that helps artists recognize light to dark shades. Value and Color are different but are often misinterpreted and used (incorrectly) interchangeably. Color consists of hues like red, yellow or blue while value is the darkness or lightness of those hues.

A 7 step value scale consists of 7 blocks with white on one side and black on the other. As we move from white to black, the value slowly gets darker until it becomes completely black. Creating a value scale helps us as artists see where we may have opportunities to create additional contrast. See the value section on the design page for more notes and a video.

Project – Organizing the RandomPart 2

  1. Choose one of the quick sketches that you’re most interested in from Part 1 and reinvestigate it. I want you to research materials and ideas. Brainstorm ideas. Try anything and everything you can think of – its ok to fail – that’s where a lot of the good stuff happens. Document everything. Do this in your sketchbook or on larger paper.
  2. A you continue to work out ideas, remember that your goal is create a visually interesting design with the following criteria:
  • a unified and dynamic composition 
  • a focal point 
  • variation of line 
  • broad value scale 
  • figure/ground relationships (positive / negative space)
  • sense of space
  • the entire picture plane should be activated
  • directional dominance 
  • texture (visual &/or actual) 
  • repetition
  • the grid 
  • perspective

Project – Organizing the RandomPart 3

  1. On a 9” x 12” sheet of Bristol board (OR LARGER) recreate your strongest composition. Your drawing should take up the entire space – don’t forget to consider all of your negative space!
    1. Your drawing must include all four elements – shape, design tool, word and unconventional materials. It can include additional elements. If you had coffee as your unconventional material you could also use the PITT pens with that coffee.
  2. Make sure to upload an image of the final work, image of the work with a ruler and image of yourself holding the work.

Research / Examples