
Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to define the Elements and Principles of Design.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design

Project Description

For this first project you will be learning how to create engaging compositions by looking at the world around you and trying to make sense of it through the camera lens. Developing good compositions is one of the core elements of this course. Composition can be defined as the arrangement of the Elements and Principles of Design.

Project Overview / Considerations

For Part 1 you will have at least one slide with notes on the Elements and Principles of Design, and 5 slides for each of your 5 black and white compositions and text.

For Part 2 you will create 3 more images but using color and one principle of design. These will be uploaded to the same Google Slide Presentation along with descriptive text for each.

  • Where do you look first in your image? Is there a focal point? Multiple focal points?
  • Are there areas that are boring (that is ok!) paired with areas that are exciting?
  • Is the image engaging? Why? What works about it?


  • Any materials that you may have in your home or dorm. Try to find a variety of materials but avoid printed or digital images. You could use clothing, paper, carpet, grass, fruits or snacks, pretty much anything.


Name these slides Project – Composition in your Google Slides Presentation.

Project – CompositionPart 1

  1. Define the Elements and Principles in your sketchbook with both a brief description and a quick sketch. You can find more information about the Elements and Principles here or the Elements and Principles link to the right under Research. Upload a picture of your notes in Google Slides.
  2. Use your phone to create 5 different black and white compositions. For each of the 5 composition choose one element and one principle to illustrate. Use objects that you have around you to do this. For example, you might pair the element line with the principle balance by arranging spaghetti in a way that illustrates asymmetrical balance. After you have arranged your chosen objects, photograph them with your phone in black and white (or add a black and white filter). Add these images to your Google Slides Presentation. In the Google Slides Presentation add a text box. In the text box tell me the elements and principles you are using for that image and how they are working together. For example – “In this image I am creating contrast through value. The harsh value changes between the dark value of the book spine and the light value of the book pages creates contrast.” Repeat this for each of your 5 images.

Project – CompositionPart 2

  1. After you have completed AND received feedback on Part 1, create 3 more compositions. For these 3 I want you to explore the element color and one principle of your choice. For example you might combine color and repetition, color and unity, color and movement, etc. Once you are done arranging your composition, take a photo of each with your phone and add these images to the same Google Slides Projects Presentation. Add a text box for each image and describe the how color created ____________ (the principle you chose). * Don’t use filters for these images.

Research / Examples

Handout – Elements and Principles of Design
Presentation – Elements and Principles of Design