Plaster Texture

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the visual elements and principles of design.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of additive and subtractive sculpture processes.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of texture, harmony and contrast.

Important Terminology:

  • Plaster – a soft mixture of lime with sand or cement and water for spreading on walls, ceilings, or other structures to form a smooth hard surface when dried.
  • Additive – Is the process by which material is shaped and built up, frequently on an armature, to create the desired image.
  • Modelling – An additive process in which material is steadily built up to produce the finished figure.
  • Subtractive – Involves removing material, as in wood carving or stone sculpture, to create a finished work.


  • One box or bag of Plaster of Paris
  • Old metal butter knives
  • Dental tools or clay tools
  • Box for casting (shoe box or larger – heavy cardboard)
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • Small wire brush
  • Old rags or t shirts
  • 5 gallon bucket
  • Dry wall sand paper mesh
  • Rasp

Sketchbook Mini-Assignments:

  1. In your sketchbook, create a grid of 3 by 4 squares. Fill each square with a different type of texture. Try to draw as much as possible from real life. Use the images below as an example.
  2.  Watch the videos below and take notes.
  3. Research the artists linked below.


Chose 2 words from the list below, one from column A and one from column B. Once you have chosen your two words, sketch out ways to combine the two different textures into one object. You might have the inside of the object be smooth while the outside is rough, you might juxtapose two different textures or let them merge into something else entirely.

After you have chosen your words, you will need to cast the plaster. Make sure you pay attention in class and if you are still unsure, watch the video below. Once you have cast your plaster in its container, remove it and immediately start carving. The drier the plaster gets the harder it is to carve (but easier to sand).

Once you are done using your carving tools, scrub them with your wire brush and water in the plaster bucket. Once they are clean rinse them with water and DRY them. Always dry your tools or they will rust.



Texture images
Kathyne Martin