Boundaries of art- Jeff Grimes

When I look at the work of Chris Burden I see someone willing to push limits. This idea of pushing limits has always intrigued me as an artist because the artist is doing things we want to do but are too scared to. When Burden shot himself he explained that everyone has consciously or subconsciously thought about getting shot themselves. I found this to be true. Watching Burden shooting himself I really started thinking about living fearlessly. This was very important to me as I was going through a tough time with the idea of school and life after school.

Some art that pushes limits seems to be over the top just for shock value. Although I am in fact a fan of Piss Christ I am not exactly sure why the piece was created. The artist never really unveiled its meaning or the importance of the peice. This makes me wonder if the only credibility is in fact shock valie.

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