Cy Twombly

Cy Twombly came out of New York in the 1950s; kind of like any other artist.  He creates his art pieces abstract.  Twombly works more with painting, but his name is on the drawing list.  I like working with oil paints, so this is a great artist to follow.  He works with industrial, oil, and any other paint he can get his hands on.

One of my favorite paintings of his is untitled.  To me it looks like matches waiting for there time to burn.


It was painted in 1953.  Cy used three medias for this selection:  oil based house paint, wax crayon, and pencil.

Cy Twombly likes to create his art with different medias all put together.  For Example, Tiznit was painted in 1953 and the media Cy used :  white lead, house paint, crayon, and pencil.


This next piece makes me wonder if this is what brain damaged people see when they look at yellow daisies.  Cy used collage and crayon on this one.  It was done in 1959 and is untitled.


The next few pieces look to me like flowers.  I like these ones because they are not perfect flowers, but he stays more toward what he is good at:  abstract.  cy_twombly_untitled_1989a

The flower above has the sense of a death flower.  The colors and the way how the flower appears to be drooping but growing up at the same time.  It kind of has the essence of death after life.

The flower below reminds me of flowers people give lovers on Valentine’s day.  The pink color and the splatters around it give it happiness.


Imagine looking at a dandelion blowing in the wind through the eyes of a drunk person.  This is what I imagine what a drunk person would see if looking at it.



If Cy was going for the depressed rose piece, I think he was successful.  Putting sadness and anger in the same painting is pretty hard, but this is what the rose makes me feel.

The painting below does not make me think a professional did it.  I think what a child would create.  So, as you can tell, this is not one of my favorite pieces.  I just had to put in a piece that I did not like.



This one above is cluttered, but a good cluttered. People are all busy and running around and there is a lot of noise going on in this piece.

The next two pieces look like they were done on a chalk board.  I think Cy was doing a math problem and had a mathematical breakthrough, but he could not contain it.



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